
8 Things To Do During Your Sabbatical Leave

8 Things To Do During Your Sabbatical Leave

A sabbatical leave is an intentional time away from your usual work in order to focus your time and energy on something different.

If you are lucky enough to work for a company that offers sabbatical leave to its employees, take advantage of it! At some point or another, we all could benefit from a pause in our “regularly scheduled programming” to rest, refresh, and try something new!

Regardless of how much you enjoy your day job, and we certainly hope you do, a sabbatical leave may allow you to refocus your goals and enjoy valuable experiences that aren’t always possible during your normal work schedule.

Now here’s the million-dollar question…what are you going to do with your sabbatical leave?

There’s no “one size fits all” program for sabbatical leave. The way that you spend your time off is entirely up to you! Not sure where to begin? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Participate In An Internship ProgramA sabbatical leave is the perfect time to learn something new and develop skills that can help you when you return to your day job. There are internship programs all over the world that are looking for hardworking and enthusiastic individuals to fill their internship spots. If career advancement is part of your future goals, spending your sabbatical learning and working in an internship is an excellent choice.
  2. Volunteer In Your Local Community
    If you are looking to make a difference and get involved in your community, volunteering a great option! You don’t have to go far to serve others and make an impact. Regardless of your background (medicine, business, carpentry etc.) there is a need for volunteers with your specific skill set.
  3. Travel the World
    Are there places you’ve always wanted to see, but you haven’t had the time? Why not now? A sabbatical leave is a perfect time to take your dream destinations off the bucket list. With advances in technology making plan the trip of a lifetime easier and more affordable than ever before, you might consider traveling for at least a portion of your time off.
  4. Start A Side Hustle
    You know that business idea you’ve always had in the back of your mind but haven’t had time to invest in? The one you’ve always been itching to try because you just have a hunch it’ll work? Businesses are like babies…they require a lot of time and attention when they are first started. Sabbatical leave is a great time to start your side hustle because you will have the freedom and time to give your budding business the attention it needs.
  5. Spend Time With Loved Ones
    Sabbatical leave is a great time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of normal life and get back to focusing on what is truly important. As you make your plans, considering taking intentional time to spend with friends and family. You won’t regret investing time in your most significant relationships.
  6. Try A New Hobby
    You’ve always wanted to learn to paint. Or perhaps for you, it’s woodworking or playing guitar. Having a hobby is a great way to unwind, relax and have some fun. Whether you take a class or watch a series of YouTube videos, this is a great time to pick up a new hobby.
  7. Make Time For Goal Setting
    Sabbatical leave is a great time to take a step back and evaluate your life. Where are you now? What are your future goals? Take advantage of the time off to do some soul-searching reflection and planning for the future.
  8. Tackle Your To-Do List
    “I’ll get to it later!” We’ve all said it about so many things. Well, it’s later! A sabbatical leave is a perfect opportunity to tackle the projects that you simply don’t have the availability or mental capacity to handle normally. So redo that kitchen and organize your garage! It’s time to start crossing things off the “to-do” list.

If you’ve got a sabbatical leave coming up, take some time to intentionally think about how your time on leave will be best spent. Whether you are learning to play an instrument, taking on an international internship, volunteering at a local soup kitchen, or backpacking through Europe, we hope you find your sabbatical leave to be restorative and enriching.