How Ocean Pollution Affects Humans – Infographic

For centuries it was thought that the oceans are so large and deep, that they could just about withstand any kind rubbish, litter or chemicals. However, this is not the case and the oceans have suffered hugely over the last couple of decades, causing the loss of marine life and habitats. The oceans have a […]

Turning rubbish into money – environmental innovation leads the way

A world without plastic is almost unimaginable. It’s everywhere, surrounding us at every waking moment, literally spinning the world around, in all its versatility. But where does it all go when we no longer find a use for it? How do we stop ourselves from drowning in a sea of garbage? One innovative UK company […]

Zanzibar: Quest for Tanzania’s Hidden Gems

What comes to your mind when you think of Africa? For some people, the continent is a perfect tropical getaway from fast-paced city life, but others are not as enthusiastic about visiting a land off the beaten tourist track where danger lurks at every corner. If you want to embark on a wild African adventure […]

The Ultimate Reward – Wild-born Baby Howler Monkeys in Belize!

Defined by Wikipedia as “the treatment and care of injured, orphaned, or sick wild animals so that they can be released back to the wild”, wildlife rehabilitation is so much more than could possibly be conveyed by these few little words. It’s the never-ending, gruelling struggle to reverse the effects of man, be it commercial […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Intern in Thailand

Thailand is one of the best destinations in the world when it comes to finding an internship. Major international companies in almost every field have a presence in the country so there are plenty of opportunities for valuable work experience, but the main reason you should choose Thailand for your internship is the country itself. […]

Learning and Conserving – Wildlife Expedition on Utila, Honduras

Off the northern coast of Honduras lies the Bay Islands, or Islas de la Bahia, as they are known locally, forming the southern part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. Originally inhabited by the Paya indigenous people, with the appearance of the Spanish conquistadores, the Bay Islands started on a journey of constant change. As […]