Leaving the corporate life for greener pastures

I did three things the day that I walked out of my corporate job in New York City for the last time. I cried loud, ugly, awkward tears on the G train home to Brooklyn. Not because I was sad, but because after a life of beautiful structure, I had no plans for the next […]

Teach Abroad

Teaching English is probably the most popular way for people to experience working abroad. It’s not for everyone, but it does attract a wide spectrum of candidate, all of whom may be doing it for quite different reasons to the next. Some want to earn some cash to extend their travels. Others are doing it […]

Why You Should Do a Gap Year — and How to Do It Right

There’s nothing new about the criticisms of “Gap Yah”: troops of primarily young Europeans hostel-hopping around Southeast Asia and South America, getting drunk and seeing the sights, gathering enough superficial understanding of the places they visit to make sweeping generalizations and good jokes over beers with other backpackers. “I’ve done Europe, Thailand, South America…” they’ll […]

To Intern or Not To Intern… That is the Question?

Sat at my computer with the application form filled out; mouse hovering over the submit button, deciding whether I should press it or not. A million and one doubts and negativity going through my mind. It was a big risk, personally and financially. Luckily I’m no stranger to danger and quickly shook off the negative […]

January Discount – Incentive for New Years Resolutions!

It’s a brand new year all over again and we’d like to celebrate this fact by offering a 10% discount on the placement fee for any booking made before January 31st, 2014! This time of year is a fantastic time to spot would-be do-gooders, prancing off to the gym, sleek new gym bag in tow, to keep […]

Top 5 International Internships for 2015

So what are you up to in 2015? Instead of spending your summer holidays sipping margaritas by some lazy beach bar or slogging away in a dead end summer job sorting post or collecting navel fuzz while staring at clouds, how about setting out on the path to a new career? With an international internship […]