A Beginner’s Guide To Participating In Coastal Cleanup Efforts

Are you passionate about protecting our beautiful coastlines and marine ecosystems? Participating in coastal cleanup efforts is a rewarding way to positively impact the environment while enjoying the beauty of the coastal regions.   That said, this beginner’s guide will walk you through the steps to get involved in coastal cleanup initiatives and make a difference […]

Top 10 Internships For Business Majors

There are few industries that understand and appreciate the value of a good internship like the business world. Although university classes can provide a solid foundation in economic theories or marketing strategies, nothing provides the practical, hands-on skill development like an internship position.  Internship placements come in all shapes and sizes. You could learn the […]

3 Amazing International  Internships For Aspiring Lawyers

You can see it now… your name displayed in your law firm’s logo. You’ve put in your time, working your way through the ranks. You’ve made partner! Of course, there are a few key steps to take before that coveted title becomes yours–starting with being hired by your first law firm. What sets truly exceptional […]

Four Must-See Countries to Visit For Your Internship Abroad

When it comes to interning abroad, the sky is truly the limit! There are internship programs for every industry, background, and personality in just about every corner of the globe. Always wanted to visit Europe? There’s an internship for that! Have you dreamed about journeying to Africa? There are plenty of internship programs that could […]

Short International Internships for Busy College Students

International Internships are amazing opportunities for a multitude of reasons. They provide the chance to travel and experience other cultures. Internships are excellent resume builders, providing invaluable industry experiences and network connections. Employers in nearly every industry are more inclined to hire individuals with internship experience than those without. Although participating in an international internship […]

6 Reasons Why Volunteering Is Great For Your Mental Health

Not for profit organizations are everywhere! There are organizations established just about anywhere in the world, each with its own unique mission that, in some way, makes the world a better place. Some organizations are focused on helping animals, such as rehabilitating elephants in Laos. Others, such as Thailand’s plastic pollution project, are aimed at […]

9 Affordable Countries to Visit During Your Gap Year

Gap years can afford you the opportunity to travel abroad or gain world experience before launching head first into further education or a career. While the idea of travelling abroad during your gap year may seem financially out of reach, here are several places you can visit that will give you an affordable travel experience […]